I’m trying to get my daily blog written now (which I’ve missed for the last two days because I’m bad…bad and tired…bad and tired and lazy) because one of the reports I run at work is BROKEN (I’m a little upset about that) and I had to do it manually this morning and I’m trying to fix it and the piece that is broken takes forever to run so every time I change something I sit here with my thumb up my ass and wait for it to finish so I can see just how BROKEN it still is. I’m annoyed. The hormones seem to be getting worse every month. I may just run amuck (amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck). Though yesterday at work was bad (I snapped at people and I don’t ever do that), last night at home was great. I picked the munchkins up from my mom’s and they were so happy to see me. From Z I always get a “Hiya!” (said with an exclamation point, thank you very much) and a big running hug and little M just started hooting and smiling at me (because she’s not talking yet…unless you speak monkey). So I took the babies home (little M was so jamming to the radio) and we sat in the kitchen and Hubby cut up a cantaloupe and Z and M played on the floor while I made supper. Then after eating we had baby bath time. Little M has just gotten big enough to be able to take a bath with Z and she gets so excited every time she sees the tub (once again talking in monkey). They’ve been using a Pooh blow up tub that’s on its last legs. We’re going to try the big tub this weekend and see how that goes. After the bath little M was worn out and fell asleep in Hubby’s arms. I read Z The Stinky Cheese Man and she was a little disturbed by the illustrations (the cow really bothered her). Then Z and I stuck stickers all over the bookshelf and the books and then took them off and stuck them on again. There was ice cream eating and then Paeg got home and I collapsed into a dead sleep at 8:30. I am such a party animal.
Update: Got the report fixed…yay!!! Now, however I have to sort through the giant pile of papers that I need to file that I haven’t filed on principle (the principle being that I hate filing and I keep hoping if I just stack the papers up maybe they’ll go away. Instead they sit at my back waiting for the opportunity to jump on my head.)
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