I should have bought the bigger container of wasabi peas.
Working from home sucks.
The dolls I like to collect are way too expensive. But I want them anyway.
Eric Stoltz just gets hotter as he gets older. I totally could be a stalker.
Mr. Lady is wonderful and makes you feel like a person. I so could stalk her.
I would like to stalk The Bloggess too but she's not responded to me yet. I've got my binoculars ready though.
There is apparently a reason I can't go out in public. lanned = stalker
The person who has been my best friend for years apparently only uses me for birthday wishes. Batman you suck.
Sonohysteerography is a lot more painful than what they let you believe. Especially if they have to insert the catheter more than once. You bleed for a long time afterwards. It sucks.
I can still conceive. Hubby step it up because I think the doctor believes I can become pregnant in the next couple of months. Yeah little curly red headed Edwina!!!
Potty training involves a lot of clapping. Go Z you're a big girl. Go Z you're a big girl.
I want a house full of babies. *Hoping when I get pregnant I have twins*
I don't want my daughter and her babies to ever move out. (i.e. unrealistic expectations)
My parents aren't ever allowed to get sick or anything like that. (one again i.e. unrealistic expectations)
My husband is super brilliant Yet another stupid blog